[Conference] Promoting high -quality development with the advantages of the business environment

Yesterday morning, the Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department and the Municipal Government Information Office organized a series of press conferences of the “Optimization of the Business Environment to Promote High -quality Development” -the Municipal Business Office’s special conference to introduce the city’s business environment to the construction of the city since this year.

In recent years, the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have insisted on optimizing the business environment as the “first -leading” project.In the 2023 Twenty -Presidential Enterprise Evaluation Environment Survey organized by the National Federation of Industry and Commerce, the city ranked 14th in the country’s prefecture -level city and ranked second in the province.Approve the construction of a social credit system construction.

Guan Jinyi

Qinhuangdao City Development and Reform Commission Party Committee Secretary, Director, Director of Municipal Business Office

Explore the construction and application of regional road network operation and control and emergency protection centers. The number and length of highway congestion within the city area are 20%lower than the same period in 2023.It is listed as the pilot construction of the “transportation power” of the Ministry of Communications; adheres to optimizing services, promotes efficiency to become “one thing”, deepen the establishment of standardized reforms in enterprises, and saves more than 1.1 million yuan for enterprises; adheres to high -efficiency supply, injects power for enterprises;Promote the “five chain integration” of the talent chain, capital chain, innovation chain, industrial chain, and service chain to build the industrial business environment. From January to May, the introduction of 13 second-third subsidiaries of central enterprises; insisting on warming enterprises to help enterprises, continuously cracking downDevelopment blockage, focus on solving the urgency of enterprises.

The business environment is good or bad, and the enterprise has the most right to speak. The city’s in -depth operation and zero action can not only solve the problem of the enterprise’s urgency and worry, but also establish a long -term mechanism for communication between government and enterprises.One type of problems, enhance a field. “

Liu Yingxin

Director of Municipal Data and Government Services Bureau and Executive Deputy Director of Municipal Business Office

Do the channels for feedback on the demands, listen to the voices of the enterprise, solve the actual needs, and ensure that enterprises have channels, everything, and responses.Dynamically promoted the “leading cadre through the process”, and the 43 units in the municipal government service hall were mainly based on the process of leading leadership service matters, further optimizing more than 20 service measures, and improving 11 service mechanisms.Being a “Qin staff” service brand. Since August last year, 291 “Qin staff” solved 4,246 problems with various business entities.

The Municipal Data and Government Services Bureau will consolidate and improve the business environment as the starting year of big data to build a foundation year and optimize the business environment, and closely focus on the decision -making and deployment of the municipal party committee and municipal government, continue to promote the optimization of the government environment and further stimulate the vitality of the market.

Liu Yingxin

Director of Municipal Data and Government Services Bureau and Executive Deputy Director of Municipal Business Office

Further play the role of the 12345 government service hotline “problem clearing” the main channel, comprehensively upgrade “Live broadcast 12345”, realize the “government affairs+media+society” linkage supervision, create a “general customer service” of serving enterprises, and link more than 1,000 live broadcast interaction of various functional departments.Second, the preaching policy was 103, and more than 900 problems were solved.Promote the implementation of the characteristics of the characteristics of county and districts such as “Xinyi Medicine” and “Xinyi Approval”.Comprehensively promoted the development of the “double -blind” reform standardization. Since this year, 186 “Double Blind” reviews have been implemented, with a transaction value of 4.586 billion yuan, and the coverage rate is 100%.

At the press conference, the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Commissioner also introduced the effectiveness of the first -class business environment and promoted the results of the city’s high -quality leapfrog development. At the same time, the tax authorities answered the business issues of taxpayers’ payment of taxpayers.

Original title: “[Conference] to promote high -quality development with the advantages of business environment”